
Thursday, 25 February 2021

Kapa Haka Trip

 LI:  To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

We started the day by meeting in the hall, they introduced us and showed us the museum video, next we talked a little bit about the challenge for the day. 

The challenge was to search for the answers of 6 questions. Throughout the day, we added more questions about what we were learning about. Those that met the challenge and answered all 10 questions correctly get a small prize. All the answers to these questions were in the talking.

When we first got to the museum we had a morning tea together. Our instructors were Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi, Matua Ngarimu talked about the weaponry, it was the main focus of the day. Matua Kingi talked about the inner carvings inside the wharenui. After learning new things, we had a bit of time to explore the Maori section of the museum.

We then had lunch together after a Karakia.  We next learnt 7 taiaha moves and we learnt how to do the haka with the taiaha. 

The work around maori weaponry and their practical taiaha session was a mixture of both fitness, cultural understanding, discipline and respect. 


1) name of the mountain the museum sits on. 

Maunga Pukekawa

2) name of the museum in maori. 

Tamaki Paenga Hira

3/4) name of two shorthand weapons

Mere, Patiti

5/6) name of two longhand weapons

Taiaha, Tewhatewha

7/8/9) name of the three different art forms in

Kowhaiwhai, tokotko, Whakaroo

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