LI: to learn how to work with wood.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 26 February 2021
Tech Reflection - Wood Work
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Kapa Haka Trip
LI: To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.
We started the day by meeting in the hall, they introduced us and showed us the museum video, next we talked a little bit about the challenge for the day.
The challenge was to search for the answers of 6 questions. Throughout the day, we added more questions about what we were learning about. Those that met the challenge and answered all 10 questions correctly get a small prize. All the answers to these questions were in the talking.
When we first got to the museum we had a morning tea together. Our instructors were Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi, Matua Ngarimu talked about the weaponry, it was the main focus of the day. Matua Kingi talked about the inner carvings inside the wharenui. After learning new things, we had a bit of time to explore the Maori section of the museum.
We then had lunch together after a Karakia. We next learnt 7 taiaha moves and we learnt how to do the haka with the taiaha.
The work around maori weaponry and their practical taiaha session was a mixture of both fitness, cultural understanding, discipline and respect.
1) name of the mountain the museum sits on.
Maunga Pukekawa
2) name of the museum in maori.
Tamaki Paenga Hira
3/4) name of two shorthand weapons
Mere, Patiti
5/6) name of two longhand weapons
Taiaha, Tewhatewha
7/8/9) name of the three different art forms in
Kowhaiwhai, tokotko, Whakaroo
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Cybersmart activity 2 - Know your Keyboard
LI: Be Cybersmart and use our device to learn, create and share.
Cybersmart activity 1 - Kawa Of Care
We did the Maniakalani Cybersmart challenges and this is activity 1. Our task was to make 3 DLO's on how to use your Chromebook. The first DLO was about what to do when you're using your chromebook, when using your Chromebook you can't have food or drinks near your chromebook, If you are charging your Chromebook while using it you must work near a wall so that no cables are on the floor where people might be walking and more on the DLO's.
Friday, 12 February 2021
L.I to unpack what a leader looks like.
We unpacked the meaning of leadership and what it takes to be a leader. We wrote down the meaning of 4 different words team, leadership, role model, and responsibility which are all good qualities to have as a leader. We listed as many words as possible linked to leadership. Using these words we created a 25 word summary explaining what a leader is.
After this we made a collaborative DLO explaining all the subjects we learnt in the session. In my group was Fau, Chisa, Vayan, Azatulah, and Aisea.
Why It Is Important to be Hydrated
LI: to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and learning.
Our Inquiry task was based on investigating the definition of hydration and dehydration, as well as figure out why it is important and very crucial to drink water regularly as part of our health and learning.
Our group started by writing down the definition of hydration and dehydration and what they mean to us. We wrote the definitions of hydration and dehydration on a google draw.
For our group, hydration means having enough fluid or water ingestion. Dehydration to us means the lack of water intake by a person or living organism.
On our poster, we began including information about why hydration is important and the benefits of drinking water regularly, as well as why dehydration can be a health hazard and the symptoms of dehydration.
Some of the symptoms are: headaches, feeling dizzy or dry mouth. Not drinking enough water can lead to health hazards that could possibly link to the heart.
Drinking enough water has a lot of health benefits as well as learning benefits. Being hydrated can also make you energetic for learning new things and going to school.
I enjoyed learning about why we need to drink water and what dehydration can cause us because didn't know why and how hydration and dehydration worked.
Thursday, 11 February 2021
LS2's Favourite Colours
LI: to plan and carry out a statistical investigation.
We went around our class, LS2 we went around finding data about LS2’s favourite colour. Our prediction was that we thought purple was going to be the most popular colour following by blue. Then We found out that more people liked blue following by purple. I picked the colour purple and my partner did too. We notice that more people like blue than other colours, we went around the classroom and found out that there were 5 people that liked the colour blue. Our Next we found out that purple had 3 people the liked the colour, green also had the same amount as purple. We noticed that 1 person liked black and pink. Something I found interesting is how much people liked the same colours.
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Summary of Te Tiri O Waitangi
LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.
Our class reading task was to learn about the events of Te Tiri O Waitangi. Each group read an article to understand what Te Tiriti o Waitangi is about and the different events that took place during Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We completed two reading comprehension tasks to learn more about Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
After reading the Te Tiriti o Waitangi article, our reading group rolled a question dice (which decides whether we will ask a why, what, who, when, where or how question). Our group wrote four questions in total. The questions we asked were ‘Why didn’t the Pakeha stay honest to the treaty?’, ‘Who was at fault for the conflict between the Maori and the Pakeha?’, ‘What gave the Maori the courage to speak up and stand for their rights?’ and ‘Where in NZ did Pakeha take most of the land from the Maori?’.
Once we thought of and wrote down the questions on a piece of paper, we moved on to writing a summary using keywords from the Te Tiriti o Waitangi article. First of all, our group skimmed through the article to find 20 important keywords. Then, we eliminated some keywords and choose the 6 most important words from the first 20 words. Using those 6 words, we created a paragraph summary that included information about all of the events that happened in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Our summary included information about the signing of the treaty and what the treaty declared. It also included details about how the Pakeha betrayed the Maori and started a conflict between the two parties.
I enjoyed making the DLO with my group because I got to hear their opinions.