
Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Hauora / Inquiry

LI: to create an information poster that explains the four walls of Hauora.

Hauora is Maori health belief, the DLO shows the 4 Maori health beliefs. Hauora is like four walls holding up a Whare, if one wall falls down all of them falls down but your health walls fall down and you won't be healthy. The Whare needs four walls to hold up strong just like our health walls. These four walls help us stay in shape and healthy.

Making Connections To Problem Solving

LI: to explore problem solving.

We made an ancient puzzle called the tangram. Tha tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle to cure boredom. We made this puzzle because the internet connection was lost. We use problem solving to find this activity. We use problem solving everyday and every time, it is used in sports and our school subjects. For this activity we listened and followed simple instruction to create the tangram. We started off the activity with a A4 paper and a pear of scissors . We had a square shaped paper and cut it a couple of triangles and a little square. Next we tried to make it back in the square we started off with, it was kind of tricky. Then we tried to make  some animals out of the shapes we had. The most difficult animal to make was a goat. I found this activity really fun and helpful.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Negative Numbers / Maths

LI: To add and subtract positive and negative numbers

We were learning about negative numbers. Negative number is number less than 0. When you add them you have to go up towards the 0. For eg: -2 -1 0 1 2. 

5,7,10 / writing

LI: to use the 5,7,10 method to write creatively.

It was a nice day and the sun was about to go down. I was running out of time. I really wanted to go up that big mountain that I always see through the windows of my house across the bay and paint the sundown. My friend and I hopped on my boat and took off toward the huge mountain. It looked like it was small from a distance but it’s really big.

When we got there after 10 mins my friend and I got the mountain climbing equipment and the painting equipment and started climbing. We thought it was going to take days to climb the mountain but really it took 1 hr or 2. We stayed up for the whole night painting. We started mixing colours to get warm colours. We started off the painting with the warm colours as the background. We next drew the mountain under the sunset. The sun was starting to rise and we were running out of time.  We rushed to get all the details for the painting. 

This is my narrative. Instead of using the 5,7,10 method we added some time to think and check our work.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Inquiry / Experimenting with ultra violet light

LI: to the most effective UV filter.

LS2 has been trialling the electronic sensor for the Kiwrious project. We are working with Suranga, Sonia, Even, Dawn and Yvonne from the AHL at Auckland University. I found that Kraft paper was the most effective way to keep Zally from the UV light. My DLO will show how I did this.

Monday, 20 July 2020

5,7,10 Writing / Lightning never strikes twice does it?

LI: to use the 5,7,10 method to write creatively.

Lightning never strikes twice does it?

That was the question that occupied their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling together, next to the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill.

There were 4 siblings that had a secret place called the Windmill of Friendship. They went there every time they were feeling down, had some trouble with something or if they had something to say that was important. Well those 4 siblings' names are Zaw he’s 10, Lucky he’s 13, Kane he’s 11, Pon she’s 12 and they found this abandoned windmill.

One day they heard on the news that a storm was going to hit their hometown because the storm only comes once a year and people say that is the guardian of their town. Somehow this time the guardian seems to be mad. The 4 siblings thought that was weird so they decided to find out what happened. They then were about to go to the windmill but the lightning hit their house. The boys ran into the house for their parents, little did they know their parents were already out of the house, the boys were in danger but not for long. They got out before the house dropped to the ground.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Kiwi Sport

LI: to learn the skills of volleyball in a game situation.

This week we were learning how to spike and what to do in a game situation. A spike is an attack in volleyball and a way to finish a game. We learnt 4 skills which were dig, set, spike and serve. In a volleyball game you can only touch a ball 3x.

Goldfish in the bowl

LI: to make an illusion.

I made an illusion of to cardboard circles. First  I cut out 2 cardboard circle and drew a fish bowl on one of them and the fish in the other. Then you would stick the card board on each side. When you spin the pencil you might see the fish jumping into the bowl.

Food Technology

LI: to make pizza.

Today at Food tech we followed the recipe to make a beef and bbq pizza. I like the pizza and it was delicious. The hardest part was putting the pizza in our boxes.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Matariki #4 Navigation by the stars

LI: to find out about the way the sun, moon and stars are used. Think about navigation and harvesting food.

Polynesian navigators used mother nature to find their destination. They find out the seasons by the crops and the stars. If the stars are bunched up that means it's time for winter.

Optical Illusion

LI: to explain what an optical illusion is.

Mr Johnston was teaching us about optical illusions. This optical illusion that you see on the DLO is an optical illusion. Can you find out which one is longer or shorter.

Matariki #3 What is Matariki

LI: Create a DLO that tells others what Matariki is and what the word Matariki means.

Matariki is is a Maori New Year which takes place in June and late May. This is a time where we all gather around and forget the bad things in the past. 

Matariki #2 Matariki harvesting

LI: to find out what tools were used to harvest food.

When Matariki comes we gather around with family to eat and get ready for the next season that is coming. You will know when to harvest the food, when the Matariki stars are laid out properly thats when to harvest the food. When the stars are bunched together that's when to plant the crops. The tools they used to harvest the food was Ko, Timo and Kaheru.

Matariki #1 - Why is Matariki important

LI: to explain why Matariki was important to early Māori.

Chris, Lukah and I worked on this activity showing why Matariki is important. Matariki is a Maori tradition where they come together with family and friends to forget the bad things from the past. Matariki is a time of year where you get ready for the next season and remember the their ancestors.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Te Reo Maori Challenge

LI: to create a DLO showing the names of the Matariki sisters.

I made a DLO showing the names of the Matariki sisters. When we celebrate Matariki it's a time to leave all the bad things behind and come together with family.